USB Type-C based USB-UART converter based on the Cypress CY7C65213 USB-UART converter IC. It is designed to work at both 5V and 3.3V using an on-board switch and LDO. This is my first product I’ve sold on Tindie, and so far it has gone really well!
Although I’ve designed a number of hobby boards, this was the first I had professionally assembled by a quick-turn service. I used the same manufacturer I have gotten most of my other hobby project boards done with (PCBWay) and was extremely impressed with the quality, especially at the price. Really the only expensive bit was ordering the parts. The BOM cost of the converter and the USB connectors is killer, everything else is really cheap (even the LDO was only $0.15 at qty 1).
I also found out that my turnkey parts were coming from LCSC, so I tried to optimize my BOM for mostly being available there. The only part I couldn’t source there was the USB C connector, and I’m considering finding a second manufacturer that fits the same footprint to make ordering easier in the future
The board was designed in KiCAD, and the design files (including the production BOM) are available on GitHub if you would like to build your own. This is a follow-on to my original ‘USB C-Rial’, which ‘mostly’ worked, but the 3V3/5V switching didn’t work. It was also much larger